2017 2nd International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials
Effect of cutting fluids and cutting conditions on surface integrity and tool wear in turning of Inconel 713C
Hikiji, R.^1
Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan^1
关键词: Automotive parts;    Conventional emulsions;    Corner radius;    Cost performance;    Cutting conditions;    Global environment;    High temperature strength;    Surface integrity;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/284/1/012023/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/284/1/012023
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The trend toward downsizing of engines helps to increase the number of turbochargers around Europe. As for the turbocharger, the temperature of the exhaust gas is so high that the parts made of nickel base super alloy Inconel 713C are used as high temperature strength metals. External turning of Inconel 713C which is used as the actual automotive parts was carried out. The effect of the cutting fluids and cutting conditions on the surface integrity and tool wear was investigated, considering global environment and cost performance. As a result, in the range of the cutting conditions used this time, when the depth of cut was small, the good surface integrity and tool life were obtained. However, in the case of the large corner radius, it was found that the more the cutting length increased, the more the tool wear increased. When the cutting length is so large, the surface integrity and tool life got worse. As for the cutting fluids, it was found that the synthetic type showed better performance in the surface integrity and tool life than the conventional emulsion. However, it was clear that the large corner radius made the surface roughness and tool life good, but it affected the size error etc. in machining the workpiece held in a cantilever style.
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