Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2017
Experimental progress of a 4K VM/PT hybrid cryocooler for pre-cooling 1K sorption cooler
Pan, Changzhao^1 ; Zhang, Tong^1,2 ; Wang, Jue^1,2 ; Chen, Liubiao^1 ; Guo, Jia^1 ; Zhou, Yuan^1 ; Wang, Junjie^1,2
CAS Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Beijing
100049, China^1
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100049, China^2
关键词: High efficient;    High-efficiency;    Sorption coolers;    Space detectors;    Stirling-type;    TES bolometers;    Transition-edge;    Vibration-free;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/278/1/012044/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/278/1/012044
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Sub-kelvin refrigerator has many applications in space detector and manned space station, such as for the transition-edge superconducting (TES) bolometers operated in the 50 mK range. In order to meet the requirement of space applications, the high efficient, vibration free and high stability refrigerator need to be designed. VM/PT hybrid cryocooler is a new type cryocooler capable of attaining temperature below 4K. As a low frequency Stirling type cryocooler, it has the advantages of high stability and high efficiency. Combined with the vibration free sorption cooler and ADR refrigerator, a novel sub-kelvin cooling chain can be designed for the TES bolometer. This paper presents the recent experimental progress of the 4K VM/PT hybrid cryocooler in our laboratory. By optimizing of regenerators, phase shifters and heat exchangers, a lowest temperature of 2.6K was attained. Based on this cryocooler, a preliminary sorption cooler could be designed.
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