1st International Conference on Frontiers of Materials Synthesis and Processing
Nitrogen Removal Characteristics of Two Kinds of Water Quality by Bamboo Biological Membrane Reactor
Sun, Ling^1 ; Cao, Wenping^1 ; Zhang, Huifang^1
School of Environmental Engineering, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou
221016, China^1
关键词: Denitrifying bacteria;    Distribution characteristics;    Filamentous bamboos;    Nitrifying bacteria;    Removal characteristics;    Removal efficiencies;    Total bacteria;    Total nitrogen removal;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/274/1/012069/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/274/1/012069
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The effect of nitrogen removal was investigated using a Bamboo filament bioreactor to treat wastewater with high organic load and low C/N ratio. Results showed that total nitrogen removal efficiency was 26.6∼96.95%, effluent BOD/COD ratio was 0.07∼0.74 when influent COD was 790∼5000 mg/L, BOD 60.0∼1100mg/L and the BOD/COD ratio was respectively 0.02∼0.44. When COD was 130.0∼278.0 mg/L, BOD was 42.5∼96.7mg/L, NH4+-N was 16.2∼98.1mg/L, TN was 28.7∼103.8 mg/L, COD/TN was 1.6∼4.7, TN removal rate was 29.4%∼58.8%. This indicated that good TN removal efficiency can be achieved when using a Bamboo filament bioreactor to treat wastewater with high organic load and low C/N ratio; Nitrogen removal fluctuated was due to secretion of bamboo juice secreted from the cavity of filamentous bamboo. The distribution characteristics of the main bacteria was investigated to show that total number of bacteria at inlet and outlet were same roughly during the wastewater treatment, while bacteria, nitrifying bacteria were distributed in outlet, and Nitrifying bacteria accounted for 1.57% of total bacteria, while denitrifying bacteria evenly distributed in the reactor.

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