International Pharmacy Conference UAD 2017 on Product Authentication: Key Factor in Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Products
Relationship between emotional distress and quality of life on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Meranti island regency hospital
Faridah, I.N.^1 ; Perwitasari, D.A.^1 ; Pusfita, M.^2 ; Jasman, H.^1
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia^1
Meranti Island Regency Hospital, Indonesia^2
关键词: Cross-sectional design;    emotional distress;    Negative correlation;    Positive correlations;    Quality of life;    Type 2 diabetes mellitus;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/259/1/012002/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/259/1/012002
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) always got treatment for a long time so that it can affect the emotional distress and the quality of life. This study aimed to find the relationship between emotional distress with quality of life. This study used cross sectional design. DDS was used to measure patients emotional distress. EQ-5D was used to measure patients quality of life. Subjects of this study were T2DM patients ICD X.E11 with aged over 18 years old. A total of 80 patients participated in the study. The result showed that the mean of score on emotional burden was 2.985±0.678, physician distress was 2.650±0.801, regiment distress was 3.222±0.75 and interpersonal distress was 2.529±0.859. The result of the analysis showed that there was relationship between employment and interpersonal distress with index and correlation showed weak negative (r-0.212, -0.306) and significant relationship (p
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