17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017 - Shaping the Future of Textiles
Comprehensive evaluation of garment assembly line with simulation
Xu, Y.^1 ; Thomassey, S.^1 ; Chen, Y.^2 ; Zeng, X.^1
Lille 1, ENSAIT, GEMTEX, 2 Allée Louise et Victor Champier BP 30329, Roubaix Cedex 01
59056, France^1
Soochow University, College of Textile and Engineering, 178 East Ganjiang Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu
215021, China^2
关键词: Assembly line;    Comprehensive evaluation;    Comprehensive evaluation system;    Garment assembly;    Performance indicators;    Production performance;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/254/16/162013/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/254/16/162013
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation system is established to assess the garment production performance. It is based on performance indicators and supported with the corresponding results obtained by manual calculation or computer simulation. The assembly lines of a typical men's shirt are taken as the study objects. With the comprehensive evaluation results, garments production arrangement scenarios are better analysed and then the appropriate one is supposed to be put into actual production. This will be a guidance given to companies on quick decision-making and multi-objective optimization of garment production.
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