CAR2017 International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering - Mobility Engineering and Environment
Most common road safety engineering deficiencies in South Eastern Europe as a part of safe system approach
Jovanov, D.^1 ; Vollpracht, H.J.^2 ; Beles, H.^3 ; Popa, V.^4 ; Tolea, B.A.^4
International Road Safety Centre (IRSC), Serbia^1
World Road Association (PIARC), Germany^2
University of Oradea, Romania^3
University Transilvania of Brasov, Romania^4
关键词: Accident risks;    Black spot;    Real pictures;    Road safety;    Road safety audits;    Romania;    South Eastern Europe;    System approach;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/252/1/012021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/252/1/012021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Most common road safety engineering deficiencies identified by the authors in South Eastern Europe, including Romania, have been collected together and presented in this paper as a part of road safety unbreakably connected to the safe system approach (driver-vehicle-road). In different South Eastern Europe countries Road Safety Audit (RSA), Road Safety Inspection (RSI), as well as Black Spot Management (BSM) was introduced and practical implementation experience enabled the authors to analyze the road safety problems. Typical road safety engineering deficiencies have been presented in 8 different subsections, based on PIARC (World Road Association) RSA approach. This paper presents collected common road safety problems with relevant illustrations (real pictures) with associated accident risks.
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