World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS
Hysteretic Models Considering Axial-Shear-Flexure Interaction
Ceresa, Paola^1 ; Negrisoli, Giorgio^2
Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia (IUSS), Piazza della Vittoria 15, Pavia
27100, Italy^1
UME School, Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia (IUSS), Piazza della Vittoria 15, Pavia
27100, Italy^2
关键词: Commercial software;    Complex formulations;    Cyclic loading conditions;    Hysteretic behaviour;    Numerical validations;    Stiffness degradation;    Stiffness recoveries;    Typical application;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/245/4/042046/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/245/4/042046
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Most of the existing numerical models implemented in finite element (FE) software, at the current state of the art, are not capable to describe, with enough reliability, the interaction between axial, shear and flexural actions under cyclic loading (e.g. seismic actions), neglecting crucial effects for predicting the nature of the collapse of reinforced concrete (RC) structural elements. Just a few existing 3D volume models or fibre beam models can lead to a quite accurate response, but they are still computationally inefficient for typical applications in earthquake engineering and also characterized by very complex formulation. Thus, discrete models with lumped plasticity hinges may be the preferred choice for modelling the hysteretic behaviour due to cyclic loading conditions, in particular with reference to its implementation in a commercial software package. These considerations lead to this research work focused on the development of a model for RC beam-column elements able to consider degradation effects and interaction between the actions under cyclic loading conditions. In order to develop a model for a general 3D discrete hinge element able to take into account the axial-shear-flexural interaction, it is necessary to provide an implementation which involves a corrector-predictor iterative scheme. Furthermore, a reliable constitutive model based on damage plasticity theory is formulated and implemented for its numerical validation. Aim of this research work is to provide the formulation of a numerical model, which will allow implementation within a FE software package for nonlinear cyclic analysis of RC structural members. The developed model accounts for stiffness degradation effect and stiffness recovery for loading reversal.
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