World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS
Bridges Dynamic Parameters Identification Based On Experimental and Numerical Method Comparison in Regard with Traffic Seismicity
Krkoková, Katarína^1 ; Papán, Daniel^1 ; Papánová, Zuzana^1
University of Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná st. 8215/1, ilina
010 26, Slovakia^1
关键词: Computational model;    Dynamic parameters identifications;    Experimental and numerical methods;    Experimental measuring;    Technical standards;    Vibration acceleration;    Vibration displacements;    Vibration influence;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/245/3/032021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/245/3/032021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The technical seismicity negatively affects the environment, buildings and structures. Technical seismicity means seismic shakes caused by force impulse, random process and unnatural origin. The vibration influence on buildings is evaluated in the Eurocode 8 in Slovak Republic, however, the Slovak Technical Standard STN 73 0036 includes solution of the technical seismicity. This standard also classes bridges into the group of structures that are significant in light of the technical seismicity - the group "U". Using the case studies analysis by FEM simulation and comparison is necessary because of brief norm evaluation of this issue. In this article, determinate dynamic parameters by experimental measuring and numerical method on two real bridges are compared. First bridge, (D201 - 00) is Scaffold Bridge on the road I/11 leading to the city of adca and is situated in the city of ilina. It is eleven - span concrete road bridge. The railway is the obstacle, which this bridge spans. Second bridge (M5973 Brodno) is situated in the part of ilina City on the road of I/11. It is concrete three - span road bridge built as box girder. The computing part includes 3D computational models of the bridges. First bridge (D201 - 00) was modelled in the software of IDA Nexis as the slab - wall model. The model outputs are natural frequencies and natural vibration modes. Second bridge (M5973 Brodno) was modelled in the software of VisualFEA. The technical seismicity corresponds with the force impulse, which was put into this model. The model outputs are vibration displacements, velocities and accelerations. The aim of the experiments was measuring of the vibration acceleration time record of bridges, and there was need to systematic placement of accelerometers. The vibration acceleration time record is important during the under - bridge train crossing, about the first bridge (D201 - 00) and the vibration acceleration time domain is important during deducing the force impulse under the bridge, about second bridge (M5973 Brodno). The analysis was done in the software of Sigview. About the first bridge (D201 - 00), the analysis output were values of power spectral density adherent to the frequencies values. These frequencies were compared with the natural frequencies values from the computational model whereby the technical seismicity influence on bridge natural frequencies was found out. About the second bridge (M5973 Brodno), the Sigview display of recorded vibration velocity time history was compared with the final vibration velocity time history from the computational model, whereby the results were incidental.

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