World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS
Construction of Architectural Structures in Cultural Heritage Protection Zones
Zagroba, Marek^1 ; Gawryluk, Dorota^2
University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy Geospatial and Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Engineering, Heweliusza str. 4, Olsztyn
10-724, Poland^1
Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Landscape Architecture Teaching Team, Wiejska str. 45A, Bialystok
15-351, Poland^2
关键词: Architectural structure;    Civil Engineering Department;    Construction solutions;    Cultural heritage protections;    Heritage conservation;    Laboratory buildings;    Resistance testing;    Specialist equipments;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052076/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052076
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The article raises issues of constructing contemporary architectural structures in cultural heritage protection zones, using the case study of a building located within the campus of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. Questions revolving around the construction of this building arise from the need to preserve the surrounding historic heritage, and deal with landscaping, architectural and construction solutions as well as interior design. All these problems grow in importance when dealing with such unique buildings like the discussed example of a laboratory building for the Civil Engineering Department, built on a site within a conservation zone of the university campus. The specific character of the building and the specialist equipment with which it was to be furnished (a resistance testing machine, a 17-meter-long wave flume) necessitated a series of analyses. In turn, the fact that the new building was to be erected in the conservation zone meant that collaboration with the Heritage Conservation Office had to be undertaken at the stage of making the plan and continued during the construction works. The Heritage Officer's recommendations concerning the building's shape, divisions, dimensions, materials used, etc., created a situation where the team of designers and architects had to become engaged in the process of landscape and spatial management. The above requirements concerned the functions of the building and its siting on a land parcel that was difficult to handle, also because of the protected trees growing there. Other constraints included the small size of this site, the developed surroundings, and the pre-defined programme of functions and use of the new building. All the above circumstances made the task difficult and demanded good coordination between individual teams of engineers and architects, both at the stage of making the plan and during the construction works. Many of the heritage protection zones are spoilt with inappropriate buildings and structures. The historic part of the university campus in Olsztyn, in the town's suburb called Kortowo, is an example. Some of the architecture in this area present features characteristics for socialist realism, which causes disharmony with the remaining late-19th century buildings. This paper is dedicated to the question of how to harmonise new buildings with historic ones, and how to strive towards maintaining spatial order. The case discussed in this article proves that such efforts, even when drastic solutions like demolition are needed, can be successful.
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