World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS
Detail, Facture, and Colour in the Architecture of Polish Single-Family Houses after 1989
Sztafrowski, Marek^1
Gdansk University of Technology, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, Gdansk
80-233, Poland^1
关键词: Aesthetic value;    Architectural work;    Building facilities;    Building markets;    Characteristic elements;    Immediate environment;    Potential customers;    Single-family house;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052030/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052030
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The article presents single-family houses architecture transformations since 1989, with particularly close attention paid to the significance of detail, facture, and colour. The article presents the architecture as an art of designing and building facilities with both use and aesthetic value, an art of shaping space and building forms. Architectural work should correspond to the intended function, technique, economic and aesthetic requirements, thus shaping all elements of human immediate environment, both inside and outside of the building. Architecture of the building is perceived as form, structure, and function, as well as detail, facture, and colour. Facture and colour are created through materials used for external finishes. The solid of the building is noticed first while looking at the building, then the finishes detail such as colour, facture, and detail. Materials for external finishes are commonly selected for their aesthetic value equally with their technical characteristics. The detail was always a characteristic element of style. However, currently the fashion for details can be observed, the fashion for usage of materials for external finishes and inter-connected with that colour and facture. The architecture of Polish single-family houses underwent considerable metamorphosis after system change of 1989-from destitute in form, devoid in detail and colour socmodernism, to architecture extremely varied in terms of form, utilised structures, materials, and detail. Hence, appearance of the phenomenon called fashion can be observed in the architecture, understood as constant changeability, seeking novelty, and creation based on opinion-forming centres. The architectural fashion consists of form, function, structure, building materials, detail, facture, and colour trends, e.g. after rejecting socmodernism, steep roofs characteristic for single-family houses trend started. After 1989, initially individual single-family house projects were created; however, rapidly developing building market precipitated the creation of catalogue solutions, repetitive and conventional. Currently, potential customers have access to catalogues of numerous design studios and companies, every last one including few dozens of comprehensive constructions design options of single-family house at the fewest. In the conventional catalogue designs, steep roofs began to gain popularity, becoming increasingly complicated with various choices of roof windows as time passes. The entrances are frequently adorned with porticos and columns. So-called "mansion architecture" of the single-family houses has developed. Recently, fashion alluding to modernism of 1920s has developed in the single-family houses architecture. New trends among architects are adapted with increasing frequency by investors looking for unconventional solutions. The neo-modernism trend is noticeable predominantly in individual projects; however, it appears in catalogue propositions with increasing frequency. Designs of single-family houses of simplistic shape and distinct expression emerge, with flat roofs, minimalistic detail, and vital, carefully chosen in terms of facture and colour, material solutions of wall finishes. Apart from the conventional solutions, presently the building market offers a vast variety of meticulously prepared, factory-made, and thoroughly checked in various realisations details. Architects discontinued using manufactured and individually designed detail in favour of utilising conventional solutions for designed objects. In a well-designed single-family house, facture, colour, and detail of materials utilised in external finishes should harmonise with the building shape and form.
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