Building up Efficient and Sustainable Transport Infrastructure 2017
Practical experiences with new types of highly modified asphalt binders
Špaek, Petr^1 ; Hegr, Zdenk^1 ; Bene, Jan^2
Skanska A.s., Pavelkova 1133/6, Olomouc
779 00, Czech Republic^1
Total R S.r.o., Pobení 620/3, Praha 8
186 00, Czech Republic^2
关键词: Asphalt binders;    Conventional polymers;    Laboratory test;    Modified asphalt binders;    Polymer modifications;    Polymer modified asphalt binders;    Practical experience;    Technical solutions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/236/1/012020/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/236/1/012020
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
As a result of steadily increasing traffic load on the roads in the Czech Republic, we should be focused on the innovative technical solutions, which will lead to extending the life time of asphalt pavements. One of these ways could be the future use of bitumen with a higher degree of polymer modification. This paper discusses experience with comparison of new highly polymer modified asphalt binder type with conventional polymer modified asphalt binder and unmodified binder with penetration grade 50/70. There are compared the results of various types laboratory tests of asphalt binders, as well as the results of asphalt mixtures laboratory tests. The paper also mentions the experience with workability and compactability of asphalt mixture with highly polymer modified asphalt binder during the realization of the experimental reference road section by the Skanska company in the Czech Republic.
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