15th International Scientific and Engineering Conference Hermetic Sealing, Vibration Reliability and Ecological Safety of Pump and Compressor Machinery HERVICON+PUMPS-2017
Influence of technological factors on characteristics of hybrid fluid-film bearings
Koltsov, A.^1 ; Prosekova, A.^1 ; Rodichev, A.^1 ; Savin, L.^1
Department of Mechatronics and International Engineering, Orel State University, Naugorskoe sh. 29, Orel
302020, Russia^1
关键词: Computational grids;    Finite-difference solution;    Fluid film bearings;    Hybrid bearings;    Lubricant flow;    Physical experiments;    Support surfaces;    Technological factors;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/233/1/012044/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/233/1/012044
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The influence of the parameters of micro- and macrounevenness on the characteristics of a hybrid bearing with slotted throttling is considered in the present paper. The quantitative assumptions of calculation of pressure distribution, load capacity, lubricant flow rate and power loss due to friction in a radial hybrid bearing with slotted throttling are taken into account, considering the shape, dimensions and roughness of the support surfaces inaccuracies. Numerical simulation of processes in the lubricating layer is based on the finite-difference solution of the Reynolds equation using an uneven orthogonal computational grid with adaptive condensation. The results of computational and physical experiments are presented.

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