International Conference on Materials, Alloys and Experimental Mechanics 2017
Heavy Metal Absorption Efficiency of two Species of Mosses (Physcomitrella patens and Funaria hygrometrica) Studied in Mercury Treated Culture under Laboratory Condition
Pradhan, Abanti^1 ; Kumari, Sony^2 ; Dash, Saktisradha^1 ; Biswal, Durga Prasad^2 ; Dash, Aditya Kishore^1 ; Panigrahi, Kishore C.S.^2
Department of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER), Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
751030, India^1
School of Biological Science, National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Jatni, Odisha
752050, India^2
关键词: Environmental change;    F. hygrometrica;    Hg pollution;    Laboratory conditions;    Mosses;    P. patens;    Physcomitrella patens;    Treatment conditions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012225/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012225
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
As an important component of ecosystems, mosses have a strong influence on the cycling of water, energy and nutrient. Given their sensitivity to environmental change, mosses can be used as bioindicators of water quality, air pollution, metal accumulation and climate change. In the present study, the growth, differentiation and heavy metal (Hg) absorption of two species of mosses like Physcomitrella patens and Funariahygrometrica were studied in solid cultures under laboratory conditions. It was observed that, the number of gametophores developed from single inoculated gametophores after 45 days of growth of F. hygrometrica was 11±2.0 in control where as it has decreased at higher concentrations, 4±1.5 in 1ppm of mercury treatment. P. patens also shows a similar trend. The heavy metal uptake of both the species of mosses was studied. It was observed that Hg content in pseudo leaves of P. patens ranged from 0.98 ppm to 2.76 ppm at different Hg treatment (0.1-1 ppm), whereas in F. hygrometrica it ranged from 0.78 ppm to 2.43 ppm under the same treatment condition. Comparing between the Hg content in pseudo-leaves and rhizoids of P. patens and F. hygrometrica, it was observed that the Hg content was elevated about 60-64% in rhizoids than that of pseudo-leaves at 0.1% treatment level, whereas it was increased almost up to 50% in other treatment level.
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Heavy Metal Absorption Efficiency of two Species of Mosses (Physcomitrella patens and Funaria hygrometrica) Studied in Mercury Treated Culture under Laboratory Condition 323KB PDF download
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