2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science
Ammonia Adsorption of Four Thailand White Charcoals for Air Purification Application
Pijarn, Nuchanaporn^1 ; Sribuarai, Tinnphat^1 ; Butsee, Manipa^1 ; Buakul, Kanokwan^1 ; Seng, Hasan^2 ; Phonprasert, Pongtep^1 ; Kitisriworaphan, Thanate^1 ; Atthameth, Prasertsil^3
Division of Environmental Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bangkokthonburi University, Bangkok
10170, Thailand^1
Pentacle Pollutech Co. Ltd., Bangsrithong, Bangkruai, Nonthaburi
11130, Thailand^2
Faculty of Engineering, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon Nayok
26120, Thailand^3
关键词: Adsorption time;    Ammonia adsorption;    Coconut shells;    Gravimetric methods;    Paired sample;    T-tests;    Thailand;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/216/1/012001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/216/1/012001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The goal of this work was to study the efficiency of ammonia adsorption of four white charcoals include Bamboo, Coconut spathe, Coconut shell and Miscellaneous woods. The ammonia 20 mL was used as the odour sample for adsorption, 0.1 grams of each white charcoal was used as adsorbent and adsorption time were studied in 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 min. The gravimetric method was used as method for study ammonia adsorption. The results show all white charcoals have saturated adsorption in range 40-60 min. The sequent of ammonia adsorption with white charcoal from descending were Miscellaneous > Coconut spathe > Coconut shell > Bamboo. A statistical test with Paired Samples T-Test, the result of four white charcoal to absorb the odour of ammonia in the all adsorption times have difference statistically significant at the 95% confidence.

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