4th International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies
Strength of Geopolymer Cement Curing at Ambient Temperature by Non-Oven Curing Approaches: An Overview
Wattanachai, Pitiwat^1 ; Suwan, Teewara^1,2
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiangmai University, Thailand^1
Center of Excellence for Natural Disaster Management (CENDIM), Chiangmai University, Thailand^2
关键词: Ambient temperature curing;    Cementitious binders;    Curing process;    Embankment stabilization;    Geopolymer cement;    Practical works;    Soil-cement column;    Specific properties;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/212/1/012014/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/212/1/012014
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
At the present day, a concept of environmentally friendly construction materials has been intensively studying to reduce the amount of releasing greenhouse gases. Geopolymer is one of the cementitious binders which can be produced by utilising pozzolanic wastes (e.g. fly ash or furnace slag) and also receiving much more attention as a low-CO2emission material. However, to achieve excellent mechanical properties, heat curing process is needed to apply to geopolymer cement in a range of temperature around 40 to 90°C. To consume less oven-curing energy and be more convenience in practical work, the study on geopolymer curing at ambient temperature (around 20 to 25°C) is therefore widely investigated. In this paper, a core review of factors and approaches for non-oven curing geopolymer has been summarised. The performance, in term of strength, of each non-oven curing method, is also presented and analysed. The main aim of this review paper is to gather the latest study of ambient temperature curing geopolymer and to enlarge a feasibility of non-oven curing geopolymer development. Also, to extend the directions of research work, some approaches or techniques can be combined or applied to the specific properties for in-field applications and embankment stabilization by using soil-cement column.
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