26th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference & International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2016
Design of horizontal test cryostat for testing two 650 MHz cavities: cryogenic considerations
Khare, P.^1 ; Gilankar, S.^1 ; Kush, P.K.^1 ; Lakshminarayanan, A.^1 ; Choubey, R.^1 ; Ghosh, R.^1 ; Jain, A.^1 ; Patel, H.^1 ; Gupta, P.D.^1 ; Hocker, A.^2 ; Ozelis, J.P.^2 ; Geynisman, M.^2 ; Reid, C.^2 ; Poloubotko, V.^2 ; Mitchell, D.^2 ; Peterson, T.J.^2 ; Nicol, T.H.^2
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
452013, India^1
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, United States^2
关键词: Accelerator projects;    Advanced technology;    Design calculations;    Fermi national accelerator laboratories;    Procurement process;    Refrigeration capacity;    Spallation neutron sources;    Superconducting radio frequency;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012112/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/171/1/012112
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Horizontal Test Cryostat has been designed for testing two 650 MHz «dressed» Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities in a single testing cycle at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, India (RRCAT) in collaboration with Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA (FNAL). This cryostat will facilitate testing of two 5-cell 650 MHz SCRF cavities, in CW or pulsed regime, for upcoming High Intensity Superconducting Proton Accelerator projects at both countries. Two such HTS facilities are planned, one at RRCAT for Indian Spallation Neutron Source project (ISNS), which is on the horizon, and the other at FNAL, USA. A test cryostat, a part of horizontal test stand-2 (HTS-2) will be set up at RRCAT for Indian project. In order to maximize the utility of this facility, it can also be used to test two dressed 9-cell 1.3 GHz cavities and other similarly-sized devices. The facility assumes, as an input, the availability of liquid nitrogen at 80 K and liquid helium at 4.5 K and 2 K, with a refrigeration capacity of approximately 50 W at 2 K. Design work of cryostat has been completed and now procurement process is in progress. This paper discusses salient features of the cryostat. It also describes different design calculations and ANSYS analysis for cool down of few subsystems like cavity support system and liquid nitrogen cooled thermal radiation shield of horizontal test cryostat..

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