20th Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy Conference
Public funding - a solution for technological SMEs and entrepreneurs
Emilia, Calefariu^1 ; Alexandru, Buda Traian^2
Braov, Morii Str., Nr. 8, Jud. Brasov, Loc. Cristian
507055, Romania^1
Braov, Romania. Aleea Lcrmioarelor, Nr. 3, Bl. 10, Ap. 14, Brasov
500218, Romania^2
关键词: Business environments;    External financings;    Favorable conditions;    Final decision;    Job security;    Market share;    Production capacity;    Public funding;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/161/1/012113/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/161/1/012113
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Technological SMEs are in a constant struggle for growth or sometimes maintaining the production capacity, increase market share, supporting tax burden, ensuring employees' salaries, profit growth. They constantly consider short-term survival of the company, with trying to maintain a long-term uptrend for the business. Entrepreneurs are again in a position to access public financing under quite favorable conditions. The paper aims to analyze the opportunity of accessing these external financing options, which have both advantages and a series of long-term constraints which should not be excluded before the final decision to access this funding. New research is required, thus sustainable development can be maintained for the business environment in order to increase efficiency, competitiveness, sustainable development strategies that generate job security, regional growth and rewarding the risk-taking of the entrepreneur.

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