IDDRG2016 conference on "Challenges in Forming High-Strength Sheets".
Influence of hydrogen on formability and bendability of DP1180 steel for car body application
Gao, Q.^1,3 ; Han, F.^2 ; Wortberg, D.^1 ; Bleck, W.^3 ; Liewald, M.^2
Daimler AG, Process Development and Materials, Benzstr., Sindelfingen
71063, Germany^1
Institute for Metal Forming Technology, Stuttgart University, Holzgartenstr.17, Stuttgart
70174, Germany^2
Department of Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University, Intzestr. 1, Aachen
52072, Germany^3
关键词: Advanced high strength steel;    Bending limit curves;    Cathodic charging;    Cleavage fracture;    Forming behavior;    Forming limit curve;    Hydrogen concentration;    In-plane strains;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/159/1/012010/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/159/1/012010
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to reach future light weight targets, it is increasing necessary to use advanced high strength steels with tensile strength 980 MPa or higher in automotive body-inwhite structures. Due to the sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement and the limited understanding of various aspects of hydrogen embrittlement on processing and function, the wide application of these steels is still limited. In the current work, the influence of hydrogen on the multiaxial forming behavior was investigated by determining the forming limit curve and bending limit curve of DP1180 steel. Hydrogen concentration in the material was modified by cathodic charging. Then Nakajima tests on hydrogen uncharged and pre-charged samples were carried out in order to adjust and study different strain states resulting in the forming limit curve. In the study of bending limit curve, the steel sheets were pre-strained by Marciniak test. Bending load on the uncharged and pre-charged samples was introduced by VDA238-100 bending tests. The experimental results indicated that the presence of hydrogen affected the formability and bendability of DP1180 steel. A clear difference in the influence of hydrogen at different strain states was observed. When formed in a biaxial strain state via the Nakajima test, the material showed the highest degradation in formability. Moreover, the samples with biaxial pre-loading showed more degradation in bendability comparing to those pre-strained in plane strain and uni-axial paths. Fractography by scanning electron microscope gave evidence of hydrogen-induced cleavage fracture on pre-charged Nakajima samples. Thus this investigation improves the understanding of influences of hydrogen on forming processes and provides important evidence for further studies on HE susceptibility of AHSS for the application on car body constructions.

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