19th International Scientific Conference on Metallurgy: Technologies, Innovation, Quality
Development of mathematical models and methods for calculation of rail steel deformation resistance of various chemical composition
Umansky, A.A.^1 ; Golovatenko, A.V.^2 ; Kadykov, V.N.^3 ; Dumova, L.V.^1
Department of Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals, Siberian State Industrial University, 42 Kirova Street, Novokuznetsk
654007, Russia^1
JSC EVRAZ Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, Novokuznetsk
654000, Russia^2
Department of Metal Forming and Material Science, EVRAZ ZSMK, Siberian State Industrial University, 42 Kirova Street, Novokuznetsk
654007, Russia^3
关键词: Chemical compositions;    Comparative analysis;    Deformation parameter;    Deformation resistance;    Mathematical processing;    Metallurgical plants;    Statistical modeling;    Thermomechanical deformations;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/150/1/012029/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/150/1/012029
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Using the device of the complex "Gleeble System 3800" the physical experimental studies of deformation resistance of chrome rail steel at different thermo-mechanical deformation parameters were carried out. On the basis of mathematical processing of experimental data the statistical model of dependence of the rail steel deformation resistance on the simultaneous influence of deformation degree, rate and temperature, as well as the steel chemical composition, was developed. The nature of influence of deformation parameters and the content of chemical elements in steel on its resistance to plastic deformation is scientifically substantiated. Verification of the adequacy of the proposed model by the comparative analysis of the calculated and actual rolling forces during passes in the universal rail-and-structural steel mill JSC "EVRAZ Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant" ("EVRAZ ZSMK") showed the possibility of its use for development and improvement of new modes of rails rolling.

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