7th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering
The analysis of experimental data obtained from automotives tests
Stoica, R.M.^1 ; Radulescu, V.J.^1 ; Neagu, D.^1 ; Trocan, C.^1 ; Copae, I.^1
Doctoral School, MilitaryTechnical Academy, Bucharest, Romania^1
关键词: Correlation analysis;    Electronic control devices;    Field interactions;    Frequency Analysis;    Identification algorithms;    Onboard computers;    Probability theory;    Time frequency analysis;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/147/1/012115/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/147/1/012115
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The paper highlights the three important and inseparably aspects of the systemic approach of automotives dynamics: taking into account the human-vehicle-field interaction, dealing movement with algorithms specific to system theory and analysis of experimental data with algorithms specific to signals theory.Within the paper, the systemic approach regarding vehicles dynamics is based on experimental data obtained from tests, whereby it is analyzed the movement and there are obtained movement mathematical models through algorithms of systems identification.Likewise, there are shown main analysis methods for experimental data, which uses probability theory, information theory, correlation analysis and variance analysis;in addition, there are highlighted possibilities given by time analysis, frequency analysis and data time-frequency analysis. Identification algorithms and highlighted analysis procedures assure the study of automotives dynamics and fuel saving,by directly using experimental data, or by using mathematical models and applying concepts and algorithms specific to systems theory. Experimental data were obtained by testing automotives with electronic control devices and by using acquisition and storage equipmentsfor data given by the on-board computer and taken from embedded sensors.
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