4th ModTech International Conference - Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering
Application of the suggestion system in the improvement of the production process and product quality control
Gola, H.^1 ; Mazur, A.^1 ; Gruszka, J.^1 ; Szafer, P.^2
Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management, Strzelecka 11, Poznan
60-965, Poland^1
WSB School of Banking, ul. Al. Niepodlegloci 2, Pozna
61-874, Poland^2
关键词: Benefits analysis;    Gravity casting;    Product quality control;    Production process;    Production time;    Replacement time;    Scrap reductions;    Traction battery;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/145/6/062005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/145/6/062005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The elaboration is a case study and the research was carried out in the company Alco-Mot Ltd., which employs 120 people. The company specializes in the production of lead poles for industrial and traction batteries using gravity casting. The elements embedded in the cast are manufactured on a machining centre, which provides the stability of the process and of the dimensions of the product as well as a very short production time. As a result of observation and analysis the authors have developed a concept for the implementation of a dynamic suggestion system in ALCO-MOT, including, among others, a standard for actions in the implementation of the suggestion system, as well as clear guidelines for the processing and presentation of the activities undertaken in the time between the establishment of the concept (suggestions) and the benefits analysis after the proposed solutions have been implemented. The authors also present how suggestions proposed by ALCO-MOT staff contributed to the improvement of the processes of production and quality control. Employees offered more than 30 suggestions, of which more than a half are being implemented now and further actions are being prepared for implementation. The authors will present the results of improvements in, for example, tool replacement time, scrap reduction. The authors will present how kaizen can improve the production and quality control processes. They will present how the production and quality control processes looked before and after the implementation of employee suggestions.
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