4th ModTech International Conference - Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering
Aspects on Transfer of Aided - Design Files
Goanta, A.M.^1,2 ; Anghelache, D.G.^1,2
Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Engineering and Agronomy Faculty of Braila, Calea Calarasilor Street, Braila
810017, Romania^1
Research Centre for Mechanics of the Machines and Technological Equipments, Calea Calarasilor Street, Braila
810017, Romania^2
关键词: Aided designs;    AutoCad;    Design softwares;    DWG files;    Hardware and software;    Solid Edge;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/145/4/042001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/145/4/042001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

At this stage of development of hardware and software, each company that makes design software packages has a certain type of file created and customized in time to distinguish that company from its competitors. Thus today are widely known the DWG files belonging AutoCAD, IPT / IAM belonging to Inventor, PAR / ASM of Solid Edge's, PRT from the NX and so on. Behind every type of file there is a mathematical model which is common to more types of files. A specific aspect of the computer -aided design is that all softwares are working with both individual parts and assemblies, but their approach is different in that some use the same type of file both for each part and for the whole (PRT ), while others use different types of files (IPT / IAM, PAR / ASM, etc.). Another aspect of the computer -aided design is to transfer files between different companies which use different software packages or even the same software package but in different versions. Each of these situations generates distinct issues. Thus, to solve the partial reading by a project different from the native one, transfer files of STEP and IGES type are used.

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