7th International Scientific Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in Engineering"
The Study of Complex (Ti, Zr, Cs) Nanopowder Influencing the Effective Ionization Potential of Arc Discharge When Mma Welding
Sapozhkov, S.B.^1 ; Burakova, E.M.^1
Yurga Institute of Technology TPU Affiliate, Leningradskaya 26, Yurga
652055, Russia^1
关键词: Arc discharge;    Electrode components;    Liquid glass;    MMA welding;    Nano powders;    Production process;    Theoretical research;    Weld joints;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/142/1/012018/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/142/1/012018
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Strength is one of the most important characteristics of a weld joint. Mechanical properties of a weld metal can be improved in a variety of ways. One of the possibilities is to add a nanopowder to the weld metal. Authors of the paper suggest changing the production process of MMA welding electrodes via adding nanopowder Ti, Zr, Cs to electrode components through liquid glass. Theoretical research into the nanopowder influence on the effective ionization potential (Ueff) of welding arc discharge is also necessitated. These measures support arcing stability, improve strength of a weld joint, as the consequence, ensure quality enhancing of a weld joint and the structure on the whole.

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