International Conference on Advanced Materials and New Technologies in Modern Materials Science 2015
Eddy Current Defectoscope for Monitoring the Duralumin and Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys
Dmitriev, S.^1 ; Dmitrieva, L.^1 ; Malikov, V.^1 ; Sagalakov, A.^1
Altay State University, Faculty Physics and Technology, Lenin Street, 61, Barnaul, Russia^1
关键词: Aluminum;    Magnesium alloys;    Aluminum-magnesium;    Differential control;    Eddy current transducers;    Internal flaws;    Measurement system;    Signal frequencies;    Transformer types;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/116/1/012013/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/116/1/012013
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The system developed is based on an eddy-current transducer of the transformer type, and is capable of inspecting plates made of duralumin and aluminum-magnesium alloys for defects. The measurement system supports absolute and differential control modes. The system was tested on a number of duralumin and aluminum-magnesium plates with internal flaws located as deep as 5 mm under the surface. The article provides data that demonstrates a link between the response time and the presence of defects in similar structures at a signal frequency of 1000 Hz.
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