17th International Conference on Textures of Materials
The evolution of recrystallized texture of cold-rolled pure copper annealed with a magnetic field in the transverse direction
He, T.^1 ; Wang, Y.^2 ; Sun, W.^1 ; Zhao, X.^2
Research Institute, Northeastern University, Shenyang
110189, China^1
Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Shenyang
110189, China^2
关键词: Cold-rolled;    Cube texture;    Effect of magnetic field;    Magnetic field annealing;    Magnetic field direction;    Pure copper;    Recrystallized textures;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/82/1/012055/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/82/1/012055
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, the effect of magnetic field annealing was investigated on the evolution of recrystallized texture of a cold-rolled pure copper sheet. During magnetic field annealing the transverse direction of the specimen was set to be parallel to the magnetic field. It was found, although, altering the orientation of the specimen to the magnetic field direction during annealing does not change the type of the recrystallized texture component, the intensity of cube texture in the specimen with field is higher than that without field.

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