Cryogenic Engineering Conference 2015
Flat-plate boiloff calorimeters for testing of thermal insulation systems
Fesmire, J.E.^1 ; Johnson, W.L.^2 ; Kelly, A.O.^1 ; Meneghelli, B.J.^3 ; Swanger, A.M.^1
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Cryogenics Test Laboratory, UB-R1, KSC, FL
32899, United States^1
NASA Glenn Research Center, Cryogenics and Fluids Branch, 301-3, Cleveland
44135, United States^2
Vencore ESC, Cryogenics Test Laboratory, ESC-830, KSC, FL
32899, United States^3
关键词: Boil-off calorimetries;    Boundary temperature;    Calibration techniques;    Effective thermal conductivity;    Low thermal conductivity;    Orders of magnitude;    Thermal insulation materials;    Thermal insulation systems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/101/1/012057/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/101/1/012057
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Cryostats have been developed and standardized for laboratory testing of thermal insulation systems in a flat-plate configuration. Boiloff calorimetry is the measurement principle for determining the effective thermal conductivity (ke) and heat flux (q) of test specimens under a wide range of actual conditions. Cryostat-500 is thermally guarded to measure absolute thermal performance when calibrated with a known reference via an adjustable-edge guard ring. With liquid nitrogen as the energy meter, the cold boundary temperature can be adjusted to any temperature between 77 K and approximately 300 K by the interposition of a thermal resistance layer between the cold mass and the specimen. A low thermal conductivity suspension system has compliance rods that adjust for specimen thickness and compression force. Material type, thickness, density, flatness, compliance, outgassing, and temperature sensor placement are important test considerations, and edge effects and calibration techniques for the apparatus are crucial. Over the full vacuum pressure range, the thermal performance capability is nearly four orders of magnitude. The horizontal configuration provides key advantages over the vertical cylindrical cryostats for testing at ambient pressure conditions. Cryostat-500's design and test methods, other flat-plate boiloff calorimeters, and results for select thermal insulation materials (composites, foams, aerogels) are discussed.
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