Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering 2015
Semi-analytical computation of displacement in linear viscoelastic materials
Spinu, S.^1 ; Gradinaru, D.^1
Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava, Department of Mechanics and Technologies, 13th University Street, Suceava
720229, Romania^1
关键词: Boltzmann superposition;    Linear viscoelastic material;    Linear viscoelasticity;    Semi-analytical methods;    Semi-analytical solution;    Spatial discretizations;    Temporal discretization;    Viscoelastic contact problems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012111/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012111
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Prediction of mechanical contact performance based on elastic models is not accurate in case of viscoelastic materials; however, a closed-form description of the viscoelastic contact has yet to be found. This paper aims to advance a semi-analytical method for computation of displacement induced in viscoelastic materials by arbitrary surface tractions, as a prerequisite to a semi-analytical solution for the viscoelastic contact problem. The newly advanced model is expected to provide greater generality, allowing for arbitrary contact geometry and / or arbitrary loading history. While time-independent equations in the purely elastic model can be treated numerically by imposing a spatial discretization only, a viscoelastic constitutive law requires supplementary temporal discretization capable of simulating the memory effect specific to viscoelastic materials. By deriving new influence coefficients, computation of displacement induced in a viscoelastic material by a known but otherwise arbitrary history of surface tractions can be achieved via superposition authorized by the Boltzmann superposition theory applicable in the frame of linear viscoelasticity..

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