6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation
Influence of deformation temperature on texture evolution in HPT deformed NiAl
Tränkner, C.^1 ; Chulist, R.^1,2 ; Skrotzki, W.^1 ; Beausir, B.^3 ; Lippmann, T.^4 ; Horky, J.^5 ; Zehetbauer, M.^5
Institut für Strukturphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany^1
Instytut Metalurgii i Inynierii Materialowej, Polskiej Akademii Nauk, PL-30-059 Kraków, Poland^2
Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux (LEM3), UMR 7239 CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Ile du Saulcy, F-57045 Metz Cedex, France^3
Institut für Werkstoffforschung, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany^4
Physik Nanostrukturierter Materialien, Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, A-1090 Wien, Austria^5
关键词: Body-centred cubic;    Brittle to ductile transition temperature;    Deformation modeling;    Deformation temperatures;    High hydrostatic pressure;    High pressure torsions;    Standard conditions;    Visco-plastic self-consistent;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012154/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012154
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

NiAl is an intermetallic compound with a brittle-to-ductile transition temperature at about 300°C and ambient pressure. At standard conditions, it is very difficult to deform, but fracture stress and fracture strain are increased under high hydrostatic pressure. On account of this, deformation at low temperatures is only possible at high hydrostatic pressure, as for instance used in high pressure torsion. In order to study the influence of temperature on texture evolution, small discs of polycrystalline NiAl were deformed by high pressure torsion at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 500°C. At room temperature, a typical shear texture of body centred cubic metals is found, while at 500°C a strong oblique cube component dominates. These textures can be well simulated with the viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal deformation model using the primary and secondary slip systems activated at low and high temperatures. The oblique cube component is a dynamic recrystallization component.

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