6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation
Annealing Effect on Mechanical Properties of Ti-Al Alloy/Pure Ti Harmonic-Structured Composite by MM/SPS Process
Yoshida, R.^1 ; Tsuda, T.^1 ; Fujiwara, H.^2 ; Miyamoto, H.^2 ; Ameyama, K.^3
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan^1
Department of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan^2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan^3
关键词: Annealing effects;    Average grain size;    Coarse-grained titanium;    High strength;    High strength and high ductilities;    Mechanical milling;    Network structures;    Spark plasma sintering process;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012031/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012031
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The Ti-Al alloy/pure Ti harmonic-structured composite was produced by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering process for improvement of low ductility at room temperature of Ti-Al alloy. The harmonic-structured composite with the dispersed area having coarse grained titanium and the network area having fine-grained Ti-48mol%Al alloy demonstrates high strength and high ductility at room temperature. The annealing effect of the microstructure on the mechanical properties in the Ti-Al alloy/pure Ti harmonic-structured composite are investigated. The microstructure of the Ti-Al alloy/pure Ti harmonic-structured composite annealed at 873K, 973 K and 1073 K are maintained the Ti-Al network structure and pure Ti dispersed regions, the average grain size of pure Ti dispersed region is only coarsen by annealing. The harmonic-structured composite annealed at 873K, 973K and 1073 K are maintained the high hardness. The tensile results reveal that the Ti-Al alloy/pure Ti harmonic- structured composite annealed at 873K exhibits high strength and especially high ductility.

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