1st Physics and Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry Symposium
The effect of light-cured nanofilled composite resin shades on their under-surface temperature
Hanum, U.A.^1 ; Herda, E.^1 ; Indrani, D.J.^1
Department of Dental Materials, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia^1
关键词: Nano-filled composites;    Resin composites;    Surface temperatures;    Thermocouple wires;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/884/1/012076/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/884/1/012076
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The objective of this study was to observe the effect of shades of light-cured nanofilled composite resins on their under-surface temperature. Resin composites specimens of shades bright, medium, and dark shade were obtained from a cylindrical mold. While polymerizing using a curing unit, the under-surface temperature was determined at the bottom of the specimens using a thermocouple wire 20 sec after the start. Results showed that the under-surface temperature of the darker shade specimens were relatively higher that those of the brighter shades with significant diffferences between the resin composites of different shades. To conlude, the under-surface temperature of the light-cured nanofilled resin composites raised from the brighter to the darker shades.
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