International Workshop on Discovery Physics at the LHC
Concluding Remarks: Connecting Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and Neutron Star Mergers by the Equation of State of Dense Hadron- and Quark Matter as signalled by Gravitational Waves
Hanauske, Matthias^1,2 ; Steinheimer, Jan^2 ; Bovard, Luke^1 ; Mukherjee, Ayon^2 ; Schramm, Stefan^2 ; Takami, Kentaro^1,4 ; Papenfort, Jens^1 ; Wechselberger, Natascha^1 ; Rezzolla, Luciano^1,2 ; Stöcker, Horst^1,2,3
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Max-von-Laue-Straße 1, Frankfurt
60438, Germany^1
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1, Frankfurt
60438, Germany^2
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt
64291, Germany^3
Kobe City College of Technology, Kobe
651-2194, Japan^4
关键词: Elementary-particle and nuclear physics;    Heavy ion collision;    High energy heavy-ion collision;    Interior structure;    Numerical relativity;    Relativistic heavy ion collision;    Spectral properties;    Strongly connected;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/878/1/012031/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/878/1/012031
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The underlying open questions in the fields of general relativistic astrophysics and elementary particle and nuclear physics are strongly connected and their results are interdependent. Although the physical systems are quite different, the 4D-simulation of a merger of a binary system of two neutron stars and the properties of the hot and dense matter created in high energy heavy ion collisions, strongly depend on the equation of state of fundamental elementary matter. Neutron star mergers represent optimal astrophysical laboratories to investigate the QCD phase structure using a spectrogram of the post-merger phase of the emitted gravitational waves. These studies can be supplemented by observations from heavy ion collisions to possibly reach a conclusive picture on the QCD phase structure at high density and temperature. As gravitational waves (GWs) emitted from merging neutron star binaries are on the verge of their first detection, it is important to understand the main characteristics of the underlying merging system in order to predict the expected GW signal. Based on numerical-relativity simulations of merging neutron star binaries, the emitted GW and the interior structure of the generated hypermassive neutron stars (HMNS) have been analyzed in detail. This article will focus on the internal and rotational HMNS properties and their connection with the emitted GW signal. Especially, the appearance of the hadon-quark phase transition in the interior region of the HMNS and its conjunction with the spectral properties of the emitted GW will be addressed and confronted with the simulation results of high energy heavy ion collisions.
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Concluding Remarks: Connecting Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and Neutron Star Mergers by the Equation of State of Dense Hadron- and Quark Matter as signalled by Gravitational Waves 9136KB PDF download
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