5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics
Atmospheric turbulence temperature on the laser wavefront properties
López, J. C. Contreras^1 ; Díaz, A. Ballesteros^2 ; Rojas, O. J. Tíjaro^1 ; Moreno, Y. Torres^2
Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering School, Bucaramanga
680002, Colombia^1
Optics and Signal Processing Group, Physics School, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga
680002, Colombia^2
关键词: Centroid Beam;    Evolution time;    Glass containers;    Optical turbulence;    Random fluctuation;    Temperature system;    Turbulent medium;    Wavefront properties;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Temperature is a physical magnitude that if is higher, the refractive index presents more important random fluctuations, which produce a greater distortion in the wavefront and thus a displacement in its centroid. To observe the effect produced by the turbulent medium strongly influenced by temperature on propagation laser beam, we experimented with two variable and controllable temperature systems designed as optical turbulence generators (OTG): a Turbulator and a Parallelepiped glass container. The experimental setup use three CMOS cameras and four temperature sensors spatially distributed to acquire synchronously information of the laser beam wavefront and turbulence temperature, respectively. The acquired information was analyzed with MATLAB® software tool, that it allows to compute the position, in terms of the evolution time, of the laser beam center of mass and their deviations produced by different turbulent conditions generated inside the two manufactured systems. The results were reflected in the statistical analysis of the centroid shifting.

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