11th International LISA Symposium
The Future of Black Hole Astrophysics in the LIGO-VIRGO-LPF Era
Blandford, Roger^1 ; Anantua, Richard^2
KIPAC, Stanford
94305, United States^1
Dept. Astronomy, UC, Berkeley
94720, United States^2
关键词: Accretion disks;    Black holes;    Cerenkov telescope;    Event horizon;    Gamma ray telescope;    New approaches;    Relativistic electron;    Space time geometry;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/840/1/012023/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/840/1/012023
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

There is a resurgence of interest in black holes sparked by the LIGO-VIRGO detection of stellar black hole mergers and recent astronomical investigations of jets and accretion disks which probe the spacetime geometry of black holes with masses ranging from a few times the mass of the sun to tens of billions of solar masses. Many of these black holes appear to be spinning rapidly. Some new approaches are described to studying how accreting black holes function as cosmic machines paying special attention to observations of AGN jets, especially with VLBI and γ-ray telescopes. It is assumed that these jets are powered by the electromagnetic extraction of the spin energy of their associated black holes, which are described by the Kerr metric, and that they become simpler and more electromagnetically dominated as the event horizon is approached. The major uncertainty in these models is in describing acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons and positrons and simple phenomenological prescriptions are proposed. The application of these ideas to M87 and 3C279 is outlined and the prospects for learning more, especially from the Event Horizon Telescope and the Cerenkov Telescope Array, are discussed. The main benefit of a better understanding of black hole astrophysics to the LISA mission should be a firmer understanding of the source demographics.

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