15th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics
Blowing momentum and duty cycle effect on aerodynamic performance of flap by pulsed blowing
Zhou, Ping^1 ; Wang, Yankui^1 ; Wang, Jinjun^1 ; Sha, Yongxiang^1
Ministry-of-Education, Key Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics, Beihang University, China^1
关键词: Aero-dynamic performance;    Control techniques;    Duty-cycle;    Flow control techniques;    Lift coefficient;    Momentum coefficient;    Non-dimensional frequency;    Trailing edges;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/822/1/012052/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/822/1/012052
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Control surface, which is often located in the trailing edge of wings, is important in the attitude control of an aircraft. However, the efficiency of the control surface declines severely under the high deflect angle of the control surface because of the flow separation. To improve the efficiency of control surface, this study discusses a flow-control technique aimed at suppressing the flow separation by pulsed blowing at the leading edge of the control surface. Results indicated that flow separation over the control surface can be suppressed by pulsed blowing, and the maximum average lift coefficient of the control surface can be 95% times higher than that of without blowing when average blowing momentum coefficient is 0.03 relative to that of without blowing. Finally, this study shows that the average blowing momentum coefficient and non-dimensional frequency of pulsed blowing are two of the key parameters of the pulsed blowing control technique. Otherwise, duty cycle also has influence on the effect of pulsed blowing. Numerical simulation is used in this study.

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