10th International Conference on Aerophysics and Physical Mechanics of Classical and Quantum Systems
Extinction and growth of cylindrical hotspots in AB model explosive: molecular dynamics studies
Murzov, S.A.^1,2 ; Zhakhovsky, V.V.^2
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskiy Pereulok 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region
141700, Russia^1
Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics, Sushchevskaya 22, Moscow
127055, Russia^2
关键词: Atomistic simulations;    Characteristic time;    Critical radius;    Heating time;    Hot spot;    Hotspot temperature;    Rarefaction waves;    Supercritical;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/815/1/012034/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/815/1/012034
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Atomistic simulations of a sample with AB model explosive heated quickly up within a small central cylinder were performed with the goal of finding a critical radius of such hotspot. The heating time was chosen to be much shorter than an acoustic time required for rarefaction wave for arriving to the center of hotspot. An isochoric thermal decomposition of AB material evolves inside the hotspot before the arrival of rarefaction wave. We found that the critical radius of such hotspots is determined by the equality of the acoustic time and a characteristic time of isochoric thermal decomposition controlled by initial hotspot temperature. For supercritical hotspots the decomposition of AB material leads to deflagration. The earlier arrival of rarefaction wave extinguishes the chemical reactions in hotspots with the subcritical radius.

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