7th International Conference on Beauty, Charm, and Hyperons in Hadronic Interactions
Kaonic atoms and strangeness in nuclei: SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUS experiments
Iliescu, M.^1,2 ; Bazzi, M.^1 ; Belloti, G.^3 ; Berucci, C.^1,6 ; Bragadireanu, A.M.^5 ; Bosnar, D.^12 ; Cargnelli, M.^6 ; Curceanu, C.^1 ; Butt, A.D.^3,4 ; Grande, R. Del^1 ; Uffizi, A.D.^1 ; Fabietti, L.^10 ; Fiorini, C.^3,4 ; Ghio, F.^7 ; Guaraldo, C.^1 ; Hayano, R.S.^8 ; Ishiwatari, T.^6 ; Iwasaki, M.^9 ; Sandri, P Levi^1 ; Marton, J.^6 ; Miliucci, M.^1 ; Okada, S.^9 ; Pietreanu, D.^5 ; Piscicchia, K.^1,14 ; Vidal, A Romero^11 ; Scordo, A.^1 ; Shi, H.^8 ; Sirghi, D.L.^1,5 ; Sirghi, F.^1,5 ; Tatsuno, H.^9 ; Tucakovic, I.^1 ; Doce, O Vazquez^10 ; Widmann, E.^6 ; Wycech, S.^13 ; Zmeskal, J.^6
INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via Enrico Fermi 40, Frascati (Roma)
I-00044, Italy^1
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria
BC, Canada^2
Politecnico di Milano, Dip.di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Milano, Italy^3
INFN Sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy^4
Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania^5
Stefan-Meyer-Institut fur Subatomare Physik, Vienna, Austria^6
INFN Sezione di Roma i and Istituto Superiore di Sanit'a, Roma, Italy^7
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan^8
RIKEN, Institute of Physics and Chemical Research, Saitama, Japan
(10) Technische Universifät München, Physik Department, Garching, Germany
(11) University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
(12) University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
(13) National Centre for Nuclear Studies, Hoza 69, Warsaw
00-681, Poland
(14) Museo Storico della Fisca e Centro Studi e Ricerche ''Enrico Fermi'', Piazza del Viminale, Roma
1-00184, Italy^9
关键词: Effective field theory;    Interaction points;    Kaon nucleon scatterings;    Lattice calculations;    Model independent;    Nuclear process;    Precise measurements;    Strong interaction;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/770/1/012034/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/770/1/012034
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The dynamics of the strong interaction processes in the non-perturbative regime is currently approached by lattice calculations and effective field theories (ChPT), still lacking several experimental results, fundamental for a good understanding of the strangeness sector. Among these, the information provided by the low-energy kaon nucleon/nuclei interaction, accessible through the study of kaonic atoms and kaonic nuclear processes, plays a key-role. The lightest atomic systems, the kaonic hydrogen and the kaonic deuterium, deliver, in a model-independent way, the isospin-dependent kaon-nucleon scattering lengths, through the X- ray spectroscopy of the exotic atoms de-exciting to the fundamental level. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to-date, together with an exploratory measurement of kaonic deuterium, were carried out in 2009 at the DAφNE collider, by the SIDDHARTA collaboration. Nowadays, an upgraded setup was built, for a precise measurement of kaonic deuterium and, eventually, of heavier exotic atoms. A correlated study of the kaon-nuclei interaction at momenta below 130 MeV/c is carried out by the AMADEUS collaboration, using the KLOE detector and dedicated targets inserted near the collider interaction point. Preliminary results of the study of charged antikaons interacting with nuclei are shown, including a discussion of the still controversial Λ(1405).
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