The Science of Making Torque from Wind
Feasibility of large-scale calorimetric efficiency measurement for wind turbine generator drivetrains
Pagitsch, Michael^1 ; Jacobs, Georg^1 ; Schelenz, Ralf^1 ; Bosse, Dennis^1 ; Liewen, Christian^1 ; Reisch, Sebastian^1 ; Deicke, Matthias^2
RWTH Aachen, Department of Wind Power Drives, Campus-Boulevard 61, Aachen
52074, Germany^1
Winergy-Siemens AG, Process Industries and Drives, Mechanical Drives, Am Industriepark 2, Voerde
46562, Germany^2
关键词: Accurate measurement;    Development activity;    Efficiency measurement;    Fossil energy;    Global energy;    Power-losses;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/753/7/072011/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/753/7/072011
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In the course of the global energy turnaround, the importance of wind energy is increasing continuously. For making wind energy more competitive with fossil energy, reducing the costs is an important measure. One way to reach this goal is to improve the efficiency. As the major potentials have already been exploited, improvements in the efficiency are made in small steps. One of the main preconditions for enabling these development activities is the sufficiently accurate measurement of the efficiency. This paper presents a method for measuring the efficiency of geared wind turbine generator drivetrains with errors below 0.5% by directly quantifying the power losses. The presented method is novel for wind turbines in the multi- MW-class.

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