2nd Conference on Plasma & Laser Research and Technologies
Influence of fast proton irradiation with energies of 12.4 and 12.8 MeV on magnetic characteristics and microstructure changes of superconducting intermetallic compound Nb3Sn
Degtyarenko, P.N.^1,5 ; Ballarino, A.^2 ; Bottura, L.^2 ; Gavrilkin, S.Y.^3 ; Flukiger, R.^2 ; Karateev, I.A.^1 ; Kruglov, V.S.^1,4 ; Latushkin, S.T.^1 ; Scheuerlein, C.^2 ; Ryazanov, A.I.^1,4 ; Semenov, E.V.^1 ; Shavkin, S.V.^1 ; Spina, T.^2 ; Unezhev, V.N.^1 ; Vasiliev, A.L.^1
National Research Centre, Kurchatov Institute, Akademika Kurchatova pl. 1, Moscow
123182, Russia^1
CERN, Geneva
CH-1211-23, Switzerland^2
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences', Leninskij Prospekt 53, Moscow
119991, Russia^3
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe sh. 31, Moscow
115409, Russia^4
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhorskaya st. 13 Bd.2, Moscow
125412, Russia^5
关键词: Bragg peaks;    Fast protons;    Irradiation dose;    Magnetic characteristic;    Microstructure changes;    Microstructure modifications;    Temperature dependence;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/747/1/012030/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/747/1/012030
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Data on magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and microstructure modification of irradiated Nb3Sn platelets are presented. The irradiation was produced at room temperature by fast protons with the energies of 12.4 and 12.8 MeV with fluencies of 5x1017and 1x1018cm-2. Variation of the superconducting transition temperature versus irradiation dose was determined. Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of Nb3Sn platelet with 160 μm thickness demonstrates several steps corresponding to different superconducting transition temperatures. We supposed that there are layers inside the sample with significantly different radiation damage levels caused by particles movement termination (Bragg peak). It was found that after the irradiation a lot of randomly oriented platelet-like Nb-enriched particles of 0.1-0.5 μm size appear in volumes with maximal damages.

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Influence of fast proton irradiation with energies of 12.4 and 12.8 MeV on magnetic characteristics and microstructure changes of superconducting intermetallic compound Nb3Sn 1363KB PDF download
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