3rd International School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures (Saint Petersburg OPEN 2016)
The study of influence of the gas flow rate to etched layer thickness, and roughness of the anisotropy field of gallium arsenide is etched in the plasma chemical etching process
Ageev, O.A.^1 ; Klimin, V.S.^1 ; Solodovnik, M.S.^1 ; Eskov, A.V.^1 ; Krasnoborodko, S.Y.^1
Department of Nanotechnologies and Microsystems, Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Electronic Equipment Engineering, Southern Federal University, 2 Shevchenko Street, Taganrog
347928, Russia^1
关键词: Anisotropy field;    Chemical-etching process;    Deflection angles;    Etched surface;    GaAs etching;    Heterojunction devices;    Layer thickness;    [110] direction;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/741/1/012178/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/741/1/012178
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In the experiments on the etched surface of gallium arsenide were performed. We studied the effect of BCl3gas flow rate on the thickness of the etched layer. GaAs etching rate was: 537,4 nm/min 28,7 nm/min 2,6 nm/min, the values of the flow rate of BCl3NBCl3- 15, 10, 5 cc/min, respectively. The effect of BCl3gas flow rate to the mean-square roughness of the etched surface. The influence of the anisotropy of the process on the geometry of the etched area. Revealed that the deflection angle for the samples treated with the working gas flow rate NBCl3- 15 cc/min in the [110] direction was α[110]= 65,5° in direction [111] was α[111]= 45,58°. For samples treated with the working gas flow rate NBCl3- 10 cc/min in the [110] direction was α[110]= 20,94° in direction [111] was α[111]= 11,37°. For samples treated with the working gas flow rate NBCl3- 5 cc/min in the [110] was α[110]= 0,32° in direction [111] was α[111]= 0,21°. The results can be used to produce discrete diodes, heterojunction devices, and other results.
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The study of influence of the gas flow rate to etched layer thickness, and roughness of the anisotropy field of gallium arsenide is etched in the plasma chemical etching process 1258KB PDF download
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