11th International Symposium on Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures
Polarization bremsstrahlung of fast electrons on metal nanospheres in a dielectric matrix in view of plasmon interference effects
Astapenko, V.A.^1 ; Sakhno, S.V.^1 ; Krotov, Yu.A.^2
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 9 Institutsky Lane, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region
141700, Russia^1
Polyus RandD Institute Named after M.F. Stelmakh, 1 bldg 3 Vvedensky St., Moscow
117342, Russia^2
关键词: Analysis of polarizations;    Dielectric matrixes;    Differential cross section;    Interference effects;    Plasmon resonances;    Polarization bremsstrahlung;    Radiation scattering;    Spectral distribution;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/732/1/012025/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/732/1/012025
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper is devoted to the theoretical analysis of polarization bremsstrahlung (PB) [1] due to scattering of fast electrons by a metal nanosphere embedded in a dielectric matrix in a frequency region in the vicinity of dipole and quadrupole plasmon resonances. Here we take into account plasmon interference effects that arise in the frequency-angular distribution of PB. These effects are a consequence of interrelation between contributions to PBs due to a plasmon on the sphere surface of different multipolarity. Our approach is based on the Fermi method of equivalent photons [2] and the Mie theory of radiation scattering by small metal particles [3]. It is shown that taking into account plasmon interference in the PB differential cross-section results in specific features in the spectral distribution of an emitted photon that depend strongly on the radiation angle and nanosphere radius.

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