21st International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei
Influence of different data tables on neutron induced reactions in quasi-infinite 238U and 232Th targets irradiated by protons with relativistic energy
Zhivkov, P.^1 ; Stoyanov, Ch^1 ; Tyutyunnikov, S.^2 ; Furman, W.^2
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Bulgaria^1
Join Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia^2
关键词: Cross section data;    Integral numbers;    Neutron-induced reactions;    Nuclear cross sections;    Nuclear interaction;    Predict and estimate;    Relativistic energy;    Transport codes;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012058/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012058
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The last decade saw the emergence of various theoretical analysis and developments of ADS (Accelerator Driving System). Different transport codes, nuclear models and nuclear cross sections have been used to predict and estimate the properties of ADS. The energy of the proton beam is supposed to range between 1 and 1.5 GeV, but some analyses suggest higher energy - up to 10 GeV. The recent papers examine the influence of the nuclear models on neutron induced reactions (n,f), (n,g), (n,xn), (n,el.) and (n,inel.). The experimental set-ups and the presumable ADS constructions consist of thousands of segments and details for example project Myrrha, Belgum [1]. The calculation of the above reactions depends on the neutron spectrum in each segment. There is a considerable difference in the size of these segments in ADS, which makes the estimation of the influence of the nuclear models and the cross sections on the integral number of neutron induced reactions more difficult. This article considers the influence of different cross section data tables on neutron induced reactions in238U or232Th targets. One nuclear model describing the high energy part of the nuclear interaction and various cross section data tagble (ENDF, ENDL, TENDL2014 and etc.) are used. All particles generated in the nuclear interaction process deposit their energy in the target volume. MCNP 6.1 transport code was used.
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Influence of different data tables on neutron induced reactions in quasi-infinite 238U and 232Th targets irradiated by protons with relativistic energy 964KB PDF download
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