21st International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei
Production of lanthanide molecular ion beams by fluorination technique
Alto Collaboration, The^4 ; Roussière, B.^1 ; Deloncle, I.^1 ; Barrè-Boscher, N.^1 ; Cardona, M.A.^3 ; Mhamed, M. Cheikh^1 ; Corbin, T.^1 ; Cottereau, E.^1 ; Croizet, H.^1 ; Dimitrov, B.^4 ; Essabaa, S.^1 ; Gavrilov, G.^4 ; Gottardo, A.^1 ; Goutev, N.^4 ; Guillot, J.^1 ; Hojman, D.^3 ; Lau, C.^1 ; Roccia, S.^2 ; Tusseau-Nenez, S.^1 ; Verney, D.^1 ; Yavahchova, M.^4
Institut de Physique Nuclèaire, CNRS-IN2P3, Universitè Paris-Sud, Universitè Paris-Saclay, Orsay Cedex
F-91406, France^1
Centre de Spectromètrie Nuclèaire et de Spectromètrie de Masse, CNRS-IN2P3, Universitè Paris-Sud, Universitè Paris-Saclay, Orsay
F-91405, France^2
Departamento de Física, Comisión Naciónal de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires
1429, Argentina^3
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
1784, Bulgaria^4
关键词: Hot plasmas;    Molecular ion beam;    On-line measurement;    Optimal experimental conditions;    Surface ionization;    Target temperature;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012042/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012042
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Systematic off-line fluorination studies on all the stable lanthanide isotopes have been performed. The results are presented as a function of various parameters such as the target temperature, the type of ion source used (hot plasma or surface ionization) and the quantity of CF4introduced. The first on-line measurements allowed us to determine the optimal experimental conditions for producing radioactive lanthanide isotopes.
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