9th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications
Direct-drive DT implosions with Knudsen number variations
Kim, Y.^1 ; Herrmann, H.W.^1 ; Hoffman, N.M.^1 ; Schmitt, M.J.^1 ; Bradley, P.A.^1 ; Gales, S.^2 ; Horsfield, C.J.^2 ; Rubery, M.^2 ; Leatherland, A.^2 ; Johnson, M Gatu^3 ; Frenje, J.A.^3 ; Glebov, V Yu^4
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
87545, United States^1
Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, Reading, Berkshire
RG7 4PR, United Kingdom^2
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
02139, United States^3
Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Rochester
14623, United States^4
关键词: Direct drive implosion;    Filled plastics;    Knudsen numbers;    Mean free path;    Neutron yields;    OMEGA Laser Facility;    Reduction models;    Shell thickness;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/717/1/012030/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/717/1/012030
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Direct-drive implosions of DT-filled plastic-shells have been conducted at the Omega laser facility, measuring nuclear yields while varying Knudsen numbers (i.e., the ratio of mean free path of fusing ions to the length of fuel region) by adjusting both shell thickness (e.g., 7.5, 15, 20, 30 μm) and fill pressure (e.g., 2, 5, 15 atm). The fusion reactivity reduction model showed a stronger effect on yield as the Knudsen number increases (or the shell thickness decreases). The Reduced-Ion-Kinetic (RIK) simulation which includes both fusion reactivity reduction and mix model was necessary to provide a better match between the observed neutron yields and those simulated.

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