17th Russian Youth Conference on Physics and Astronomy
Selenocentric reference coordinates net in the dynamic system
Varaksina, N.Y.^1,2 ; Nefedyev, Y.A.^1,2 ; Churkin, K.O.^2 ; Zabbarova, R.R.^2 ; Demin, S.A.^1,2
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, Kazan
420008, Russia^1
Kazan Federal University, Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory, Zelenodolski region, St. Observatory, 422526, Russia^2
关键词: Base points;    Correlation analysis;    Dynamic coordinate systems;    Orthogonal coordinates;    Reference coordinates;    Reference systems;    Space navigation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/661/1/012014/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/661/1/012014
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In this work, the selenocentric dynamic reference net was developed for the first time in the field of selendesy in order to address problems with space navigation. Three tasks were addressed in this research: a) the analysis of the mathematical model of the orthogonal coordinate transformation accuracy; b) the identification of the basic dynamic reference system objects with ones that are contained in reducing catalogues; and c) the extension of the base points net of the basic dynamic reference system. The result was a dynamic coordinate system summary that contains 1162 objects. The correlation analysis of this net was carried out and was found to coincide with modern dynamic coordinate systems that have been obtained. This selenocentric reference catalogue covers the full visible area of the Moon.
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