Tunisia-Japan Symposium: R&D of Energy and Material Sciences for Sustainable Society
A NUMERICAL study of solar chimney power plants in Tunisia
Attig, Bahar F.^1 ; Guellouz, M.S.^2 ; Sahraoui, M.^1 ; Kaddeche, S.^3
University of Carthage, Polytechnic School of Tunisia, BP. 743, La Marsa, Tunisia^1
University of Carthage, National Engineering School of Bizerte, BP66, Campus Menzel Abderrahman, Bizerte
7035, Tunisia^2
University of Carthage, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Laboratory of Materials, Measurements and Applications, BP. 676, Tunis
1080, Tunisia^3
关键词: CFD (computational fluid dynamics);    Numerical study;    Solar chimney power plant;    Tunisia;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/596/1/012006/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/596/1/012006
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

A 3D CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) model of a Solar Chimney Power Plant (SCPP) was developed and validated through comparison with the experimental data of the Manzanares plant. Then, it was employed to study the SCPP performance for locations throughout Tunisia.

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