27th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics
Application of cold beam of atoms and molecules for studying luminescence of oxygen atoms stimulated by metastable helium
Khmelenko, V.V.^1 ; Mao, S.^1 ; Meraki, A.^1 ; Wilde, S.C.^1 ; McColgan, P.T.^1 ; Pelmenev, A.A.^2,3 ; Boltnev, R.E.^2,3 ; Lee, D.M.^1
Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas AandM University, College Station
77843, United States^1
Branch of Talroze Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka
142432, Russia^2
Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
125412, Russia^3
关键词: Cold atoms and molecules;    Cryogenic temperatures;    Efficiency of energy transfer;    Helium gas mixtures;    Metastable helium;    Metastable helium atoms;    Radio frequency discharges;    Spectroscopic studies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/568/3/032010/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/568/3/032010
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

We describe a method for creating a high flux beam of cold atoms and molecules. By using this beam method, spectroscopic studies of the afterglow of oxygen-helium gas mixtures at cryogenic temperatures were performed. The cooling by helium vapor of a helium jet containing trace amounts of oxygen after passing through a radiofrequency discharge zone led to the observation of strong emissions from atomic oxygen. The effect results from the increased efficiency of energy transfer from metastable helium atoms and molecules to the atomic oxygen in the cold dense helium vapor. The effect might find application for the detection of small quantities of impurities in helium gas as well as possible laser action.

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