The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2014
Optimal shutdown management
Bottasso, C.L.^1,2 ; Croce, A.^2 ; Riboldi, C.E.D.^2
Wind Energy Institute, Technische Universität Munchen, Garching, Germany^1
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy^2
关键词: Aeroservoelastic modeling;    Constrained optimal control problems;    Emergency shutdown;    Fully automated;    Load reduction;    MW wind turbine;    Operating condition;    Single-shooting approach;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012050/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012050
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper presents a novel approach for the synthesis of the open-loop pitch profile during emergency shutdowns. The problem is of interest in the design of wind turbines, as such maneuvers often generate design driving loads on some of the machine components. The pitch profile synthesis is formulated as a constrained optimal control problem, solved numerically using a direct single shooting approach. A cost function expressing a compromise between load reduction and rotor overspeed is minimized with respect to the unknown blade pitch profile. Constraints may include a load reduction not-to-exceed the next dominating loads, a not-to-be-exceeded maximum rotor speed, and a maximum achievable blade pitch rate. Cost function and constraints are computed over a possibly large number of operating conditions, defined so as to cover as well as possible the operating situations encountered in the lifetime of the machine. All such conditions are simulated by using a high-fidelity aeroservoelastic model of the wind turbine, ensuring the accuracy of the evaluation of all relevant parameters. The paper demonstrates the capabilities of the novel proposed formulation, by optimizing the pitch profile of a multi-MW wind turbine. Results show that the procedure can reliably identify optimal pitch profiles that reduce design-driving loads, in a fully automated way.

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