20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
A Voyage to Arcturus: A model for automated management of a WLCG Tier-2 facility
Roy, Gareth^1 ; Crooks, David^1 ; Mertens, Lena^1 ; Mitchell, Mark^1 ; Purdie, Stuart^2 ; Skipsey, Samuel Cadellin^1 ; Britton, David^1
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom^1
University of St Andrews, United Kingdom^2
关键词: Automated management;    Autonomous systems;    Cloud platforms;    Large scale data;    Modular approach;    On-demand computing;    Physical devices;    Software component;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/513/6/062040/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/513/6/062040
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
With the current trend towards «On Demand Computing» in big data environments it is crucial that the deployment of services and resources becomes increasingly automated. Deployment based on cloud platforms is available for large scale data centre environments but these solutions can be too complex and heavyweight for smaller, resource constrained WLCG Tier-2 sites. Along with a greater desire for bespoke monitoring and collection of Grid related metrics, a more lightweight and modular approach is desired. In this paper we present a model for a lightweight automated framework which can be use to build WLCG grid sites, based on «off the shelf» software components. As part of the research into an automation framework the use of both IPMI and SNMP for physical device management will be included, as well as the use of SNMP as a monitoring/data sampling layer such that more comprehensive decision making can take place and potentially be automated. This could lead to reduced down times and better performance as services are recognised to be in a non-functional state by autonomous systems.
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