21st Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics
Magnetotransport properties and Seebeck effect in the superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5
Pimentel, J.L.^1,2 ; Pureur, P.^1 ; Vila, M.A.^3 ; Ribeiro, R.A.^3
Instituto de Fsica, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do sul, 91501-970, RS Porto Alegre, Brazil^1
Instituto de Matemtica, Estatstica e Fsica, Universidade Do Rio Grande (FURG), 96201-900 Rio Grande, RS, Brazil^2
Universidade Federal Do ABC, CCNH, Av. dos Estados, 5001, 09210-580 Santo-Andr, SP, Brazil^3
关键词: Critical temperatures;    Kondo lattice systems;    Long range magnetic order;    Magnetic characterization;    Magnetic fluctuation;    Magneto transport properties;    Superconducting fluctuations;    Temperature behavior;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/480/1/012016/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/480/1/012016
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

We carried out measurements of the electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall resistivity and Seebeck effect in a highly oriented sample of the Fe-based FeSe0.5Te0.5superconductor. Complementary structural and magnetic characterizations were also performed. Our sample do not show long-range magnetic order down to 4.2 K. Superconductivity occurs with critical temperature Tc15 K. In the normal phase, the resistivity versus temperature behavior mimics that of a Kondo-lattice system. The magnetoresistance, Hall coefficient and Seebeck coefficient show sign reversals. These results are discussed with basis on the combined effects from two-band conduction and weak magnetic fluctuations. Effects from superconducting fluctuations are also observed near Tc.

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