21st Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics
Fractal structures in casting films from chlorophyll
Pedro, G.C.^1 ; Gorza, F.D.S.^1 ; De Souza, N.C.^1 ; Silva, J.R.^1
Grupo de Materiais Nanoestruturados, Campus Universitário Do Araguaia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil^1
关键词: Casting films;    Diffusion limited aggregation;    Fractal structures;    Molecular diffusion;    Natural light;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/480/1/012011/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/480/1/012011
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Chlorophyll (Chl) molecules are important because they can act as natural light-harvesting devices during the photosynthesis. In addition, they have potential for application as component of solar cell. In this work, we have prepared casting films from chlorophyll (Chl) and demonstrated the occurrence of fractal structures when the films were submitted to different concentrations. By using optical microscopy and the box-count method, we have found that the fractal dimension is Df1.55. This value is close to predicted by the diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) model. This suggests that the major mechanism-which determines the growth of the fractal structures from Chl molecules-is the molecular diffusion. Since the efficiencies of solar cells depend on the morphology of their interfaces, these finds can be useful to improve this kind of device.
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